

Legal bug: Providers Use Policy shuts down the Portscanner
Knowbotic Research to Provider:
Knowbotic Research got informed that you want the New Museum to shut down our server inside their network.
Could you please inform me what are the reasons for this decision? We got informed that there was only one complaint until now
from an ISP concerning our Public Domain Scanner.
The museum has informed this ISP about the art project and as far as I know this ISP showed afterwards sympathy for this project which does not obscure security issues in the network and provides a transparent plattform for this topic inside the artworld.
Is this one complaint the full reason to stop our project?

Provider DTI:
X-Spam-Filter: check_local@smtp1.dti.net by digitalanswers.org
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 11:19:54 -0400
From: Matt Stockdale <mstockda@logicworks.net>
To: "knowbotic.research" <info@krcf.zhdk.ch>
Subject: Re: problems with art project/New Museum
User-Agent: Mutt/
X-Cartman: Respect My Authoritah!

Mr Huebler-
As you can see at http://www.logicworks.net/acceptableuse.php, running nessus (or other security software) scans against machines you do not have permission to run them against cleary violates a number of provisions of our Acceptable Use Policy.
We are required by our upstream providers to carry these clauses, and can lose our access if we do not enforce them. I assure you, our enforcement of the AUP is nondiscriminatory, based soley on the nature of the violations, not the motives behind them.
You can view the AUP's of our providers at
Once again, let me repeat that this decision is based soley upon our contractual obligations to our upstream providers, and the desire to protect our reputation as a responsible ISP. In no way are we making any claims as to the artistic merits of the project.
Matt Stockdale Sr. Network Engineer - logicworks.net
mstockda@logicworks.net "Dura lex, sed lex"

Knowbotic Research: These provokes the question: Who is the net.sovereign behind the upstream provider?


On the US legal bug
<nettime> PDS
7.5.: Re: <nettime> [L. Brown]
7.5.: Re: <nettime> [F. Cramer]
8.5.:Re: <nettime> KR
8.5.: scan reports
9.5.: Server Migration US
Port scanning is legal in the US

10.5.: provider vs kr

CRACKED ..Minds of concern::breakingnews...!!
May 12,2002

13.5.:New York Times Article
RE2: NYTIMES article
RE2: NYTIMES article
RE:3 NYTIMES article: KR
15.5.: wired article
[ thing] review
19.5.: Sonntagszeitung
13.6.: neural.it


Invitation to the open source exhibition
curated by Steve Dietz and Jenny Markatou (?)